Megan Aldridge is an accredited AIPP Master Photographer with over 14 years’ experience. Megan is one of those people who is completely there for you. Every cheeky wink, every secret glance, is caught with a quiet ‘click’,and it’s in your story forever – she understands how important this job is.
An AIPP Accredited Professional Photographer is:
- Assessed and Proven – Accredited members are judged by an assessment panel to ensure that each accredited member achieves and maintains an expected level of craftsmanship
- Operates a registered business
- Has liability insurance, as appropriate to their business
- Agrees to follow the AIPP Code of Ethics and AIPP Terms and Conditions of Membership
- Agrees to abide by the AIPP Accredited Membership Business Requirements
- Experienced – every Accredited Member has a minimum of two years industry experience or has completed a minimum two years in a recognized photographic program before applying for Accreditation
- Experienced – Has the skill, creativity, style and ability to get the job done on time and on budget
- Always Learning – through the AIPP Continuous Professional Development (CPD) program, all
- Accredited Members must take part in workshops and seminars throughout each year to ensure they continue to develop along with the industry
- An accredited professional photographer is someone who consistently produces great images, and, someone who is prepared to ensure they are properly trained, they understand the importance of investing in their photographic education, and someone who constantly improves by submitting their work for peer assessment.
Megan received the honour of becoming an AIPP Master Photographer in 2010. Megan has won 12 Silver awards at the Victorian Professional Photographer of the Year Awards as well as 10 Silver and 1 Silver with Distinction award at the National Canon Australian Photographer of the Year Awards since becoming a member.
“AIPP Accredited Full Members are professional photographers who have completed the AIPP Accreditation process, which looks at their photographic and business practice.” (AIPP website)
Please see below for our images that won awards!